Music for good.

Discover how SONARIO® offers exclusive music unavailable from any other music source.
And, it's as simple as a click. When you join, you are contributing with every song you stream!
So sign up right now and support the artists and organizations you love.
Together we all make a difference.


Exclusive music that you won't hear anywhere else. And it's all for a good cause. It's that simple. SONARIO® is a music service that helps artists and the causes they love. Together, we can do great things.


The music you hear is 100% exclusive. It cannot be streamed, downloaded or purchased on any other music service. Draw closer to the artists, discover rare recordings and hear the latest releases.


SONARIO® is free. There is no cost to listen and no cost for musicians to contribute their music. Creating a platform that does good means it must be free and easy.


When you stream music on SONARIO®, you support both the artist and their cause. We can all make a difference and SONARIO® is here to make it possible. So enjoy the great music while doing good. We can all agree the world can use more good.


Get streaming access to exclusive music. It is a must for music fans. And the best part? You're helping to make a difference!


Discover new artists that support the causes you do. Find rare recordings from great artists that you cannot find anywhere else.

Liner Notes

No mysteries here. Every track includes musician credits, lyrics and artist notes.

Do Good

With every tune you stream you are supporting the musicians and the causes they care about. So, stream and do some good!

SONARIO® is your fundraising partner.

Music for good is what we are about and through working together we can do great things.

SONARIO® is a platform for artists to release their music in support your cause.

Register your organization and get started today.